About Homeopathy
What is Homeopathy? Homeopathy is a natural, safe, scientific system of healing which recognizes the interaction between our body, the environment and our emotions in illness, rather than focusing just on the disease alone. Homeopathy has successfully helped people for over two hundred years. It is widely used in England, France, Switzerland, Germany, India and many other countries. It is growing fast in popularity in the U.S. because of its success in healing people, especially those who have not been helped by or given alternatives that work for them by conventional medicine. Great Britain's Royal Family, Mahatma Gandhi, John D. Rockefeller, Sr., singer Naomi Judd and actress Lindsey Wagner don't seem to have much in common--except that they all have been strong supporters of homeopathic medicine. There is one simple reason that these and other respected individuals from all over the world support and use homeopathy: it works. How is Homeopathy Different from Other Forms of Medicine? Have you had situations where despite treatment, your symptoms—and illness—return again and again? Symptoms are the language that your body uses to tell you it has a problem. Usually an individual goes to a doctor for a specific problem or set of symptoms. You are given a medicine to make the problem or symptoms go away. But your body produces symptoms as a way of talking to you, to tell you that something is wrong. If the symptoms are removed but the original reason for the symptom is not dealt with, the same problem will return again or will return as another ailment. This is because the root cause—the inner imbalance— wasn't dealt with. Homeopathy seeks to find the root cause and to eliminate it completely. With good homeopathic treatment, most people feel a greater sense of well being and happiness. Because homeopathic care goes much deeper than most types of treatment, changes in life-long problems, both physical and emotional, have also been reported. What Happens When a Person Sees a Homeopath? When someone comes to us, we conduct a very thorough interview. During this interview, we spend 45 minute or more talking with them and learning about them. In most cases we look at everything that is going on in the person’s life, not just their physical symptoms. The same person who comes in complaining of headaches may also have depression, insecurity, low energy and other problems. All of these problems may stem from the person’s same inner imbalance. Based on that in-depth fact gathering, we decide which remedy is the very best fit for them. This remedy is specifically chosen to most completely match that individual as a whole person to strengthen their body and allow it to heal itself. What Conditions Can Homeopathy Help? Conditions that homeopathy has helped include anything that does not involve destroyed tissue. For example, asthma, which is an inflammatory condition, can usually be improved. But emphysema, which is the destruction of lung cells, would not be expected to reverse. It may however, be reasonable to try homeopathy even in the cases of irreversible tissue damage because homeopathy frequently eases the person’s symptoms. Even in cases where healing treatment is not possible, such as advanced cases of arthritis, malignancies, etc., management and easing of symptoms with homeopathic medicines improves the quality of life of such people without the side-effects of drugs. can I take homoeopathic medicine along with allopathic medicine? Homeopathic physicians love to work in collaboration with general practitioners (GPs) and hospital consultants if both, the patient and the doctor/consultant concerned are in agreement. Because homeopathic remedies are prepared from natural materials by a special method, which involves considerable dilution, they cannot cause side effects themselves and do not interact with other medicines. In chronic ASTHMA, regular use of inhalers is the most common practice in allopathic treatment. When such patients start homeopathic treatment side by side, and the improvement with homeopathic treatment is sufficient enough, the need for inhalers goes down. In the long run, it becomes possible to leave the inhalers totally. Gradually, with restored healing powers of the body, the need for homeopathic treatment is done away with and the patient can enjoy freedom from asthma. In HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, regular use of anti-hypertensive and diuretic drugs is recommended by allopathic practitioners. With homeopathic treatment going side by side, as the general health of the patient improves, his response to stress is modified in a favourable way. As a result blood pressure begins to normalize, a reduced dosage of anti-hypertensive drug is indicated, of course with the consent of your doctor /consultant. In DIABETES, patient should go on using anti-hyperglycaemic drugs or insulin initially and start homeopathic treatment side by side. A regular monthly blood glucose reading should be taken to monitor the improvement. As blood glucose reading begins to show a downward trend, a reduced dosage of anti-hyperglycaemic drugs or insulin drug is indicated, of course with the consent of your doctor /consultant. It is to be noted that the longer you have been ill, the longer it will be before you reach your optimum state of health. Homeopathic remedies work in a way that is completely different from allopathic medicines. Although they are so dilute, still they can be very deep acting over a long period of time, even with existing allopathic therapy and have the potential to improve the internal disharmony. In short, homeopathic treatment can work very well even if patient is taking drugs prescribed by his allopathic consultant. As the health begins to improve, drug dosage may need to be modified. It is important to maintain regular contact with the consultant and taking him in confidence that homeopathic treatment is also being used. Although homeopathic medicines do not themselves interact with allopathic drugs, patients on allopathic medication should not try to treat themselves with homeopathic remedies. What are the Remedies Made From? Homeopathic remedies are all natural medicines made from herbs, minerals or other natural substances. Homeopathic remedies are officially recognized by the FDA and only manufactured in FDA-licensed pharmacies. (Nothing contained in this leaflet should be taken as individual medical advice or as a substitute for consulting your homeopath or healthcare practitioner). courtesy:dayahospital |